Etnografie sonore | Sound Ethnographies n° IV/2, 2021 – Indice

Titolo Audio Video Photo Editoriale/Editorial Saggi Amusing the Spirits through the Music: Coul Ruup Rituals in Cambodia – Francesca Billeri Voci italiane dalla West Coast: le audioregistrazioni di Sidney Robertson Cowell (California 1939) – Delia Dattilo La musica sarda di tradizione orale alla radio: un primo inquadramento (1920-1980) – Roberto Milleddu Saggi Audiovisivi The Dance…

Amusing the Spirits through the Music: Coul Ruup Rituals in Cambodia

4. Francesca Billeri – Amusing the Spirits through the Music. Coul Ruuo Rituals in Cambodia 18 views 3. Francesca Billeri – Amusing the Spirits through the Music. Coul Ruuo Rituals in Cambodia 34 views 2. Francesca Billeri – Amusing the Spirits through the Music. Coul Ruuo Rituals in Cambodia 26 views 1. Francesca Billeri –…