Etnografie sonore | Sound Ethnographies n° IV/1, 2021 – indice

Etnografie sonore | Sound Ethnographies n° IV/1, 2021   Titolo Audio Video Photo Editoriale/Editorial Saggi Forgiare la musica. Da Tubal-Kain ai mastri ferrai siciliani – Sergio Bonanzinga “Resettled” Musical Practices of the Nharo from D’kar (Botswana) – Alessandro Cosentino Aurality and the Tactics of Resistance in Spanish America (1539-1675) – Michele Segretario Delgamuukw v. the Queen.…

“Resettled” Musical Practices of the Nharo from D’kar (Botswana)

Cosentino – Video 3 – Hagu (The Dog) – D’kar Village (Botswana) 12th July 2019 Dcaro Group (danghaderi) 31 views Cosentino – Video 2 – Xgoe – D’kar Village (Botswana) 12th July 2019 Xhoxhae Xhukuri (zhoma) 39 views Cosentino – Video 1 – Koli – D’kar Village (Botswana) 12th July 2019 Xhara Qoma (Guitar) 38…