Etnografie Sonore / Sound Ethnographies

Etnografie sonore | Sound Ethnographies n° III/2, 2020 – index

Etnografie sonore | Sound Ethnographies

n° III/2, 2020


Title Audio Video Photo
Between Genre and Generations: Analyzing Angolan Popular Music – Nina Baratti
On the Ruins of Empire: The Music of Central Asian Migrants in Russian Metropolises Razia Sultanova
Using Ethnographic Data and Psychoacoustics to Analyse a Tuning System for Surdulina Bagpipes – Christian Ferlaino
Sounding like a Sindhen. First Results of an Ethno-Phoniatric Investigation on the Javanese Female Voices – Ilaria Meloni e Silvia Spinelli
Lorenzo Ferrarini and Nicola Scaldaferri, Sonic Ethnography. Identity, Heritage and Creative Research Practice in Basilicata, Southern Italy (book, 2020) Lorenzo Chiarofonte
Notes on the contributors